Solway Credit Union | 23, George St | Dumfries | DG1 1EA
CURRENT OPENING HOURS Tuesday 9-1 & 2-5 | Thursday 9-1 | Friday 9-1
T | 01387 267200
E |
There is no doubt that saving now on a regular basis makes for a healthier financial future! So why not start saving today? Whether it be by opening a regular Shares savings account or saving by Payroll deduction, Solway Credit Union can help you plan ahead.
Our aim is to provide a friendly, high quality, sustainable and accessible savings and loans service. We want to ensure that we remain responsive to the needs of our members and prospective members alike, and that we do all we can to actively prevent the detrimental effects of debt and financial exclusion within our common bond communities.
We can provide our members with a convenient and safe method of saving, and members can save as little or as much as they choose. Solway Credit Union will always encourage saving on a regular basis, as even the smallest of regular amounts can build up quickly once the ‘saving habit’ has been established. It allows our members to work towards their financial goals, and gives them a bit of ‘breathing space’ should that unforeseen financial emergency crop up!
Setting aside a sum of money every week or month, also helps to reduce the need to borrow from expensive sources of credit, such as payday or doorstep lenders. Why not start saving with the credit union now, whether it be for your holidays, a new car, your wedding, school uniforms, a rainy day fund, birthdays or even next Christmas.
The ability and capacity to save money for the short or long term, is an important step on the path to establishing financial wellbeing for our members and their families, and to building a better future!
Savings accounts
Here’s why saving with Solway credit union makes sense!
•Funding next year’s Christmas
• That Holiday of a lifetime
•University education fund for the Children
•Deposit for a house or car
Savings can also be used to make loans to members. The interest from any loans is used to pay the credit union’s day to day running expenses; to build up reserves, and any remainder may be returned to the members by way of a dividend. But most importantly, the rate of interest on any of SCU’s loans will be fair and affordable.
So why not join the money revolution……join Solway Credit Union online here and become a member now!
Alternatively, you can all us on 01387 267200 for further details on how to apply for membership or download a Membership Application for our Downloadable Form under the Useful Information tab.
Solway Credit Union | 23, George St | Dumfries | DG1 1EA
CURRENT OPENING HOURS Tuesday 9-5 | Thursday 9-1 | Friday 9-1
T | 01387 267200
E |
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Authorised by the Prudential regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Ref No: 213901